Nilalang or "Beings", is a sculptural performance exhibited at the 4th edition of ARTCH. Dela Pena progressively built the "flesh" of her sculptures
over the course of 2 weeks.
"As my change of status from a permanent resident to a Canadian citizen approaches, I ponder how this may alter my outlook on life. Questions arise as I contemplate my connection to this land and the notion of entitlement. What is the interrelation of one’s body to its territorial belonging? Who are the people that hold true entitlement to say “I am from here”? What are our spiritual and physical obligations with regards to this territory?
Nilalang employs raw materials, mainly soil and water, to build statues that evoke the symbolism of belonging to this land. As a performance, the body becomes a vector of experiences and a tool that allows us to transform our reflections in a corporeal perception using elements of soil and water. The formless forms, almost alien-like statues to be created during this performance are used to convey my present sense of belonging in this territory— existing as the “other” who holds no permanence on this stolen land."

Photo credit: Em-P L'Abbée

Photo credit: Em-P L'Abbée

Special thanks to:
Camille Blais for constructing the metalwork of my design.
Evgeny Patvakanov for prep assistance.
Co-performers Amanda Preval, Andi Vicente and Sufia Khader in the finale performance.
Last but not the least the Philippines Cordillera Association of Quebec (PCAQ).